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Mobile Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Conversion Rate Optimization

Email Marketing

Online Presence Analysis

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184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 8007

+971 4 425 7372




VisualMinds / SEO

Site assessment

The first step in the SEO process is a complete assessment.

Whether a site has ever been optimized before or not, they’ll evaluate all of the factors impacting its rankings, as  well as where it stands in the results pages for the company’s most important target keywords.

They’ll also look for any major issues impacting user experience, like page load times, navigation setup, and site structure.

Finally, most SEO professionals will also take a client’s competitors into consideration during their site assessment. They’ll identify other sites targeting similar keywords and the same audience, then evaluate what they’re doing well.

All of this information will help them determine what changes need to be made. Then, they can prioritize these changes based on which will have the biggest impact

Ongoing optimization and testing

After their assessment, an SEO will get to work on the priorities they’ve identified. They’ll do keyword research,optimize pages for the keywords they select, and fix any usability issues.

This initial optimization process alone often takes a few months — but it’s important to recognize that it doesn’t stop there.

Reporting and analysis

Finally, an SEO specialist will regularly monitor and analyze their results.From a client standpoint, this helps you make sure that you know exactly what kinds of results you’re getting for your investment.

But beyond that, regularly checking in on key metrics like traffic and conversions helps them get a clearer understanding
of what’s working — and what isn’t — so that they can continuously improve their strategy.

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